Hi. I design digital products from Los Angeles, CA. Currently at BuzzFeed leading design for Tasty. Previously at The Hartford and Accenture. I'm interested in design, art, photography, typography, and internet culture.
More project details and assets available upon request. Send me an email at campo.gabe@gmail.com.
Web & app design, user experience design, visual design, product strategy, design systems, visual identity, photography, typography
2023, Tasty
App Design, Product Strategy, ChatGPT Integration
Led design for the launch of Tasty's new ChatGPT powered AI assistant, Botatouille. Delivered on a tight timeline to be the first-to-market chatbot in the recipe and meal planning space.
Started with basic chat functionality and have made iterative improvements such as the ability to save recipes, load more recommendations, and send suggested prompts.
Available on the Tasty app.
Meal Plans
2023, Tasty
Growth Product Strategy, App Design
Led 0-1 design for Tasty's flagship premium subscription offering – meal plans. Worked closely with BuzzFeed's tech leadership to define the product and subscription strategy, and oversaw all design work.
The meal plan design work included a hub page, user meal plan pages, user meal plan creation tools, editorial meal plan pages, subscription flows, and in-app promotion UI.
Available on the Tasty app.
Shop Recipes, Pricing & Selection
2023, Tasty
Product Strategy, App Design
Project to improve the Tasty Shoppable recipes purchasing flow based on research we conducted. Added in detailed pricing information and ingredient selection controls to enhance the shopping flow while keeping things low-friction and intuitive.
Available on the Tasty app.
2022, HuffPost
Identity, Web Design
Two month project to create a new visual identity and designs for HuffPost's Voices – a space for personal essays focusing on intersectional identities. Led and executed all design work including competitive research, moodboarding, brand identity, typography, visual design and animation design.
Available on HuffPost.
Article Headers
2022, HuffPost
App Design
Standardized article headers in the app across all HuffPost departments. This project allowed HuffPost to render all article types natively in the app for the first time.
Available on HuffPost app.
Shop Cookware
2021, Tasty App
App Design, Product Strategy
Conducted user journey evaluations, collaborated on product strategy, and executed all designs to bring cookware shopping functionality into the Tasty app.
Available on the Tasty app.
Quiz & Poll Ads
2021, BuzzFeed Web
Web Design
Created a suite of ad products based on BuzzFeed's popular quizzes. These included two different quiz ads and one poll ad.
Available on BuzzFeed.
Shop Recipes, Web
2021, Tasty Web
Web Design, Product Strategy
Defined project scope and direction based on an analysis of Tasty sales data from our app and campaigns on third party services.
Designed a single page shopping experience that could either be used to buy recipes on Tasty's website, or linked to from social posts to shop Tasty recipes off social media. This new approach was 4x more successful than our app's approach when measuring for sales per page view.
Available on Tasty.

Good Luck Being Old
2019, Personal Project
Photography, Web Design, Web Dev
A series of street photographs plotted on a map in the places those photos were taken.
Available here.
Leave Management
2018, The Hartford
Web Design
Led design work to add leave of absence management features to The Hartford's insurance portal. This was building on the MyBenefits portal I had worked on previously.
Converted complicated leave data into easy to consume charts and graphs to help users manage their time away from work. Added multi-step flows for requesting time off.
Available to Hartford customers.
My Benefits
2017, The Hartford
Web Design, Project Management
Led UX for a full redesign of The Hartford's disability insurance portal. Started by creating an atomic design system in collaboration with two visual designers. Used and expanded this design system as I built out several disability management pages and flows.
Helped define the project schedule, significant milestones, and test plan. The project took about 8 months to complete.
Available to Hartford customers.